Food & Nutrition

What net carbs actually mean

Net Carbs: What They Actually Mean

Carbs. You've heard of them. Whether you've tried to diet in the past or just become familiar with looking at the back of nutrition labels, they're everywhere. Because carbs can...

The Benefits of Keto & Intermittent Fasting Together

The Benefits of Keto & Intermittent Fasting Tog...

As we enter this new year, hot health topics like “keto” and “intermittent fasting” are trending more than ever. Even people that have never tried the ketogenic diet or fasting...

A frying pan has four short strips of bacon on it. The image reads "Dirty Keto is Ruining Your Health. Dirty keto will keep you in ketosis, but at what cost? In order to achieve total health, you need to be sure to put the right foods into your body..."

Dirty Keto is Ruining your Health

Dirty keto is a term used to describe a lazy, unhealthy approach to a ketogenic diet. Understand the harm in these dirty, yet low-carb, foods.

A white plate with leafy greens, carrots, and white cheese is in the bottom left corner. A brown wooden table takes up the rest of the image. The image reads: "Counting Calories and Still Gaining Weight?"

Counting Calories and Still Gaining Weight? Her...

At seemingly every restaurant now, each menu item is accompanied with its caloric value. This idea caught on about twenty years ago, and now it is everywhere. But recently there...

5 Reasons Not to Overeat and how to prevent it

5 Reasons Not to Overeat and How to Prevent It

The holiday season is a wonderful time filled with family, fun, and, of course, food! Food seems to be in abundance everywhere you turn. All the snacks, candy, and hearty...

Are All Carbs Bad?

Are All Carbs Bad?

Obviously, carbs have been getting a bad rap lately. In the past couple of decades, the Atkins, Keto, Low-carb, Paleo, Whole30, South Beach, Zone, and other diets/lifestyles have bashed carbs....