Pastel de tres leches Lakanto

May 05, 2022 10:30:01AM

El pastel de tres leches es uno de los postres más populares en Latinoamérica. Esta versión es baja en carbohidratos y sin azúcar , pero conserva el sabor y la textura tradicionales.

Comienza con un bizcocho de vainilla ligero y aireado con una capa de leche cremosa. Si endulzas la nata fresca con el edulcorante en polvo de monkfruit de Lakanto, obtendrás una nata montada que es perfectamente dulce y mantendrá su forma durante días.


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5 comentarios

Very helpful tips. We were using 1:1 and found baked goods grainy and bitter. Thank you for the tips as we will continue to use your products. Thank you!

Cindy Green

This recipe was great!! We did make a small mistake making the batter, as we forgot to add the other half of the monkfruit to the egg whites, but we didn’t miss it. It seems like half the sweetener was about perfect for us. I also used powdered swerve instead of powdered monkfruit and orange flavor stevia sweet drops rather than monkfruit drops because they were what we had on hand. The orange flavor didn’t really come through but the level of sweetness was perfect

Angela McAlister

Can I use the Simple Syrup the same way I use the classic sugar- 1:1 ?

ruthannne j. birnbaum

It appears to be missing the instruction for when to add the salt. I am going to assume it is in step 1 with the dry ingredients…,I sure hope by assuming, I don’t mess this up. :) please update recipe and thank you very much for all you to to ensure we all are able to cook delicious recipes!!

Coleman Stephanie

What is the difference between the classic Lankato and baking lankato???? I have 5 bags of classic.

Olga Loomis

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